
在搜尋結果中,某些網頁下面會附帶一個前方空一格的網頁(Indented Results)。這種「縮排」會造成什麼情況?因為它與排名第一才可能會出現的目錄(Sitelinks)不同,也算在搜尋結果排名之中,就把原本排名 9、10 名的網頁擠到第 2 頁去了(預設一頁只有十個搜尋結果)。



  • 多語系且不同網址的相同內容。
  • 與使用者意圖相關的內容。
  • 同網域且在講同一件事的文章。
  • PDF
  • 其它相關內容?



sitelinks 和 縮排同時出現
sitelinks 和 縮排同時出現

不同子網域出現在縮排的情況,研判是相關內容且對使用者更方便的網頁(一頁式 eDM)


另外,中文使用者一定較容易看到,繁中或簡中雙語系其一出現在縮排的搜尋結果,例如 wiki、facebook 或其它多語系網站。


還有一種是相同內容,但不同媒介的文章,例如網頁版和 pdf 版。曾遇過 title 與內文一模一樣的 pdf 縮排。



我拿出現不同子網域 B 的縮排網頁當受試者(上面不是縮排的子網域為 A):做一個幾乎跟縮排網頁一模一樣內容的網頁,但放在相同的子網域 A 中,並把原本在 B 的縮排網頁 301 轉址到這個新網頁。


但若搜尋結果本身是首頁的話,縮排網頁會先消失幾天,之後又出現變成 sitelinks 的一份子,然後又消失。


所以,Google 對自己在 SERP 選上的網頁沒有自信嗎?居然用這種方式幫本來排名就較強勢的網頁多佔一個名次。

又或者,是在幫重覆內容的網頁解套?雖然 Google 說過重覆內容不會被懲罰,但同個母網域最多只會出現 2 個網頁在搜尋結果的規則,就讓擁有重覆內容的網站管理者傷透腦筋;這種「縮排」一出現反而幫了這些網站大忙,這讓盡力保持沒有重覆內容的網站情何以堪?

無論如何,會附帶縮排的搜尋結果,或許是 Google 認為該區塊可以讓使用者的搜尋旅程短一點。

附上 John Mueller 在 2021-09-17 說過不會懲罰重覆內容的片段:

With duplicate content we have essentially two, roughly, different things that we look at.

On the one hand we check if the whole page is the same.And that includes everything like the header and the footer and the address of the store and things like that, which in your case this would not be the case because one is maybe a manufacturer’s website and the description is the same but everything around it is different.

So that’s kind of the basic kind of duplicate content.

The other kind is with regards to things like a description. That plays a role when we show a snippet in the search results.

So essentially what we try to avoid is to create search results pages where the snippet is exactly the same as other websites.

If someone is searching for something generic which is only in the description of that product and the snippet that we would show for your website, for the manufacturer were exactly the same, then we would try to pick one of those pages and show only that one.That’s kind of the other part of the duplicate content story… it’s a little bit simplified.

But that also means that if someone is searching for …something generic that is in the description and we can tell that they want to buy it and maybe you’re the best source or the local source of that product or you have it in stock or whatever, then we will show your pages and not the other one.And all of that is independent of you marking up like where you took the description from.

It’s essentially, we have this description, we want to show it in search and we’ll pick the best page that we can show for this description. So from that point of view I think it’s always a good practice to have unique descriptions on your pages.

But if you have a lot of products it’s not always possible. And it’s also the case that we would not penalize a website for having duplicate descriptions in their products.



最後,離題一下怕有人不懂我說的 sitelinks 是什麼,所以列出在 Google SERP 常見的三種:小型不佔太多空間的(手機會有邊線形成一個一個格子)、一般的、有邊線區隔的版本,這些 sitelinks 都不會佔據排名。




基本上,這三者都必須要在搜尋排名第 1 名才有機會出現 sitelinks。而其它一些非首頁的網站,加上像是 ToC 或小目錄的東西,就算不在第一名也有可能出現(用 ToC 出現的 sitelinks 因為是同一頁的段落,所以說可以另外用 Scroll-To-Text 的手法,但在進入網頁後,使用者再點其連結就不會有位移效果),只不過頂多是小型不佔太多空間的版本,這大概也是「縮排」網頁會出現的概念?



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