看到一篇 談論1997年至今的 UX 發展 的翻譯文章,原文的作者是Mark Hurst,看完之後心有戚戚焉,推薦給大家一起看,力道雖然沒有「 真正發生過的恐怖IT故事 」強,但也一樣是很無奈的現況。 KORONE FALCON PUNCH 文章從1997年至今分成3個10年去描述 UX 產業的變遷。 UX 的定義已經從原本的 user experience,漸漸被 user exploitation 取代,網站不再以便利性為目標,而是網站擁有者的目的為目標:試圖以各種方式誘導或阻止使用者在網站上做某些事情。 就像中文的「設計」一樣,英文可以翻譯成 design,也可以翻成 calculating。 真實案例 該文用 Amazon Prime 和紐約市疫苗網站為例子: The cancellation procedure is long, and consists of six separate pages. On each separate page, the consumer is nudged toward keeping their Prime membership, even though they have began a procedure to end the agreement. ...This uncertainty is further strengthened by having to scroll through the page, which is full of text and graphics to show how cancelling the membership will mean the loss of many benefits. In the single biggest public health crisis in the world, New York can't build a usable vaccine website. The telephone - 1950s technology - is our best option, after 25 years of web development. Shameful. 從 UX 設計領導者 Amazon 帶頭墮落,默默道...